Pills To Deworm Your Dog

Deworming is extremely important to preserve the health of dogs, as parasites can cause many and very serious diseases.
Pills to deworm your dog

Internal and external deworming are essential to provide adequate preventive medicine to our best friends. Currently, there are many collars, sprays and pills to deworm your dog. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose safely and conscientiously.

Next, we will compare the main deworming methods for dogs available on the market. However, we must remember that the adoption of reinforced hygiene habits is also essential to prevent parasites.

In addition, the antiparasitic treatment must be accompanied by brushing and periodic reviews of your skin and fur. During the summer, dogs with abundant coats can suffer from the heat and the proliferation of ectoparasites. Therefore, a trip to the pet shop for grooming can also be recommended.

Parasites and their health risks

The parasites that can affect our dogs are divided into two major subcategories: endoparasites and ectoparasites. Endoparasites, as their name implies, live inside the animal organism. In general, these organisms lodge in the intestinal tract of dogs, where they find abundant nutrients.

Endoparasites can have a flat body, like tapeworms and cestodes, or cylindrical, like roundworms. The first symptoms manifest through gastrointestinal disorders, such as diarrhea or vomiting. When not treated quickly, they can cause anemia, intestinal obstructions and even neurological changes.

Ectoparasites, in turn, are more common in dogs and affect the skin that covers the outside of their body. Among the main representatives are: fleas, ticks, lice and mites. Furthermore, mosquitoes can be considered temporary or opportunistic parasites.

doctor examining parasites in dog

This type of parasite usually acts as a vector for numerous and severe diseases. Flea saliva can cause severe itching, allergic reactions and skin rashes. Furthermore, mosquitoes are the main vectors of leishmaniasis and filariasis.

ticks can provoke itching and dermatitis, in addition to transmitting serious pathologies, such as ehrlichiosis and babesiosis. If not treated quickly, a tick infestation can be lethal to the animal.

Pills to deworm and its way of acting

Before choosing a specific product or opting for a brand, it is important to understand how the different deworming methods work. The deworming tablets are given orally and then pass into the dogs’ digestive tract. The recommended dose for each animal will depend on its weight, age and health status.

Pipettes, collars and sprays are administered transdermally and reach the bloodstream after being absorbed through the skin. If we choose these methods, we must make sure that they are capable of eliminating the parasites and not just driving them away.

Currently, many choose to chewable tablets to eliminate and prevent ectoparasites. Increasingly, the treatment evolves and becomes more effective.

The active ingredient of these products (Afoxolaner) is absorbed by the digestive system and reaches the bloodstream. It then spreads through the tissues of the body and causes the death of ectoparasites through overexcitation of your nervous system.

dog taking pill

How often do I need to deworm my dog?

The frequency of deworming will fundamentally depend on the age and health status of each animal. Puppies must start treatment for internal parasites in the first few weeks of life. After a few months, the veterinarian will recommend starting external deworming with specific products for puppies.

In adult dogs, internal deworming tablets are usually given every three to six months. The frequency of application of preventive treatment for ectoparasites will depend on the scope of the product used.

Some chewable tablets offer protection for 90 or 120 days, while pipettes are usually applied every one to two months. These deadlines will also depend on the size of the animal, breed, etc.

The validity of anti-flea and anti-parasite collars varies between three and eight months, depending on the manufacturer and product. Among the most recommended for dogs is the Scalibor, a wide action collar that repels ticks, fleas, lice and mosquitoes.

It is always necessary to remember the importance of having the monitoring of the veterinarian in the deworming of your dog. The professional will be able to guide us about the most suitable products for the animal and the news available. In addition, the appointments every six months will be essential to control the good health of our best friend.

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