Play To Stimulate Your Dog’s Hearing

Plays to stimulate your dog's hearing

Playing with the dog is a good way to promote its development. Next, we’ll teach you some tricks so you can stimulate your dog’s hearing .

Most games for pets are specialized in developing vision. However, the ear is an essential organ for these animals , as they use it in conjunction with their sense of smell to identify their surroundings.

That’s why it is very important to properly stimulate these senses . Thus, they will be able to use them more precisely and lead a happier life, with a better relationship with their surroundings.

jokes you can play

touch and hearing

A good activity for your pet is one that involves tactile and auditory stimuli. You can, for example, make different sounds while stroking him. In this way, the dog will begin to relate sounds and sensations .

If you do this exercise continuously, over time the dog will learn to respond to your call when you make the sound. , waiting for a caress. This strategy works as an excellent pre-training in clicker training models.

Mulher abraçando cachorro

sounds and rewards

Another way you can develop your dog’s hearing is through mixing sounds and rewards. For that, it’s better to use specific sounds that they can relate to something.

The balls that make sounds enchant them , for example. In addition, they also help improve your listening skills and attention while your dog is having fun. Whenever you make noise with the ball, your pet will relate the sound to the activity and will be ready to play.

These toys are very good for animals with cataracts or other vision problems. , as they can easily orient themselves by following the sound. It’s also a great way to encourage them to exercise at older ages.


A good exercise for pets to learn to stay calm and react well to sounds from an early age is to expose them to different types of music.

But keep in mind that your pet’s ear is very sensitive , so you should not expose it to loud sounds. he can stay  stunned and you get the opposite result: a stressed, nervous dog.

Exposing your dogs to music will make them pay attention to sounds and will help you see how they react to different types of noise. You’ll be able to determine which ones make your pet feel comfortable or which ones he doesn’t like.

you will still be able to observe which sounds make you more agitated and which ones help you relax . This will be important, for example, when they detonate fireworks near your home or during thunderstorms.

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toys with sound

Like balls, the different toys you can get from the store are good for stimulating your dog. In addition to avoiding boredom, it will be more fun to play with them when your pet is alone. .

use voice

Talk to your pet. This is a very healthy activity for both him and you. Something dogs learn to communicate better with their owners is to identify voice tones. . Talking to him often will teach him to recognize your tone of voice when he’s calm, when you congratulate him or scold him.

This will also help you to associate a greater number of words and will considerably facilitate your learning process.

Finally, an advantage for you is that talking to your dog will help you relax when you’re stressed or when you’re having a bad day. , because you’ll be able to vent, making sure that everything you say won’t leave the room.

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