Reasons To Love Big Dogs

Reasons to Love Large Dogs

Large dogs face certain prejudices that are not always justified. Although it doesn’t look like it, the height of a large dog makes training easier. Also, they are the most suitable dogs to socialize with children.

The character and personality of large dogs

Authors: Bella and George Burton

One of the reasons to love a large dog, regardless of the structure or size of the dog, is its behavior. Thus, there are large dogs that move less than small dogs indoors.

Another myth is that large dogs cannot live in an apartment or a small house. However, regardless of the size of the large dog, there are huge animals that  quickly adapt to an apartment or other type of housing with little space. 

The dog’s height will not decisively influence its personality either. There are several other factors that influence your character. This is the case of the breed or of crosses between mutts.

The owner’s personality is also an important variant for adopting a small dog or a large dog. Imagine the following situation: the owner loves long walks and spends a lot of time outdoors. In this case, the ideal will be a dog of good size, dynamic, active and vigorous.

A large dog for children

Children can also be the necessary tipping point when making the decision to adopt a dog. There are animals of more adequate size than others. Take this into account when adopting a pet that will live with your children.

If you have a baby at home,  he can take his first steps by holding on to his four-legged friend. Keep in mind that if you have children, very small dogs are usually not the best way to interact with them. Their size makes them very vulnerable, and they can suffer from naughty children.

Of course,  a large dog will suffer much less if the child in the house throws himself at him, grabs him,  and so on.

The best big dog training

Nowadays, the pace of life we ​​all lead can make it easier to choose a large dog,  or a large structure. A dynamic person, as we saw earlier, who loves outdoor sports or long walks, may find a large dog his perfect companion.

Another important detail is the fact that  a tall dog looks at its owner almost from the height of its eyes. This is another feature that demonstrates that large dogs are easier to train.

the car and transport

Everyone knows that  not all families can transport a large dog from one place to another  if they are used to traveling. It’s not the same thing to take a small and a large dog.

Owner’s age and physical constitution

The age of the dog that will be adopted and its physical capacity are other reasons that can weigh in the balance  for or against when choosing a large dog. It is not simple for a person to take care of a large animal.

That way,  a dog that weighs around 35 kilos cannot be controlled by just anyone. If the individual is elderly and does not have the necessary strength, it will be very difficult to walk the animal.

Are large dogs more affectionate?

They say that  large dogs are, in many cases, more affectionate than small ones. That’s because small dogs are very nervous. In this case, it is more difficult for them to establish a strong bond with its owner.

Statistics say that  large dogs express love for their owners more easily than  small ones. For example, some large dog breeds known for their excellent affectionate character are the Dalmatian, the Newfoundland and the Labrador Retriever.

better protection

If we are looking for a dog to help with protection and safety, the ideal dog is a large one. Dogs that are bigger and have a bigger physical appearance are more intimidating to strangers. They too have been used to doing protection work for centuries.

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