Scientists Want To Eliminate Animal Experiments

Scientists want to eliminate animal experiments

Animal experiments, this form of torture justified in the name of advancing science, are being challenged more strongly of late. Only the groups that defend the rights of these beings do not want to put an end to this attitude. Important members of the scientific community are making their voices heard to end this real mistreatment of innocent creatures.

Animal testing could end right now


Contrary to the opinion of many scientists that animal experimentation should be gradually phased out,  Dr. John Pippin says that animal experiments can be stopped right now and at no cost to scientific advancement.

An expert in nuclear cardiology, John Pippin is also director of academic affairs for the Committee of Physicians for Responsible Medicine.

The organization promotes preventive medicine and deals, among other topics, with controversies that arise in ethical and scientific issues in education and research.

Animal experiments compete with ethics

Pippin considers that using animals in laboratory tests contradicts ethics and is a serious mistake. It points out that this type of research is cruel and – on many occasions – fatal.

The professional explains that the results of animal tests, in general, have a very low applicability in human beings and,  in addition, imply the use of important sums of money.

For these reasons, they should not carry out this type of experiment with animals, even if there were no alternatives. However, yes, there are alternatives. For example:

  • Artificial production of cells and tissues for study and manipulation;
  • 3D printing: the so-called bioprinting  enables the replication of human tissues;
  • Simulations based on specific software.

Other voices against animal experiments

In the same direction as Pippin, the biologist Frank Alarcón, who coordinates the Brazilian branch of Cruelty Free Intonernatial , expresses himself .

The expert believes that  any description of the martyrdom suffered by animals used for experimentation is insufficient.

Without going into detail about the emotional and physical torture that these defenseless creatures suffer in the laboratories, we can point out that the animals are subjected to:

  • Separation from your home group;
  • Impediment to develop a social life in a real environment;
  • Enclosure in cold, narrow cages or boxes;
  • Bad eating habits;
  • Constant manipulation.

Animal Experiments: Millions of Innocent Victims a Year

The primatologist, ethologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall also spoke in similar terms. The professional considers the experience with animals a type of torture and advocates the search for and use of alternative procedures.

Despite the voices that are raised, it is  estimated that, annually, millions of animals continue to be victims of these practices. They are mainly used for:

  • Toxicity evidence;
  • Learning resources at universities;
  • Research models in laboratories.

But, in addition to biomedicine,  these beings are used in experiments in industries such as cosmetics and the military.

Why doesn’t animal experimentation end?

The reason why these types of experiments do not come to an end seems to be summed up in one word: money. There are many public resources that are destined to this type of research in universities and academic environments.

But, beyond that, the vanity and pride of some researchers come into play and the difficulty of dismantling an already established work structure  that perpetuates a system that provides different types of benefits.

To end cruelty to animals


What is certain is that, despite advances,  these beings continue to be subjected to different types of experiments, one of the many ways that man uses to mistreat  these innocent creatures.

Going into details of the different forms of abuse can be unbearable for sensitive people and those who love animals, but it is worth remembering that on the internet there is a lot of information to go deeper into the subject.

Raising awareness and contributing to raising awareness of this should be a priority for all those who believe that animals also have rights.

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