Short-haired Dachshund Is A Curious And Very Funny Dog

Shorthaired Dachshund is a curious and very amusing dog.

Would you like to have a dog with short hair (wire), curious and a lot of fun? So be sure to adopt a Dachshund. He is also known as “sausage dog” or “badger dog”. In this article, we will tell you a little about this very peculiar breed.

Dachshund Features and Background

dog sausage

This dog with a broad trunk and small legs is the product of a genetic mutation called “bassetism”. It has short ends in relation to the body size.

The history of this breed begins in Germany. In 1888, when the first Dachshund club was founded and the standard for participating in competition events was set. However, a few years before, they had already staged several contests in England.

The popularity of the Dachshund or Teckel is due to their being one of the favorite breeds of the European monarchies. One of the best known examples is that of Queen Victoria, an enthusiast of this type of animal.

The International Cynological Federation (the body that governs dog breeding) has created a special group for this breed. This is due to the fact that these dogs have a personality and a constitution that is quite different from the Basset Hound, but they are also burrowing dogs.

Among the outstanding characteristics of these dogs, we must point out that they have a wide and low shape. Its snout is long, with a wide tail, black nails, drooping and wide ears and short legs. This last trait helps them to enter the burrows. In hunting, he is very brave and an excellent tracker.

There are three varieties of Dachshund according to the circumference of the chest, when they reach 15 months. There is the standard (larger than 35 cm), miniature (between 30 and 35 cm) and the Teckel, for hunting rabbits (less than 30 cm). Also, they are divided according to the type of fur. It is short (thick, shiny, strong, hard and well attached to the body), long (extends under the neck and in the lower part of the body, outer layer of smooth and shiny hair) and hard (the whole body is covered by hairs, with the exception of the muzzle and ears, which are rough and thick).

Finally, this breed includes three varieties of colors. We find monochromatic (it can be red or yellow with black spots and black nails and nose), bicolor (mainly black and brown and, in some areas, oxide red) and mottled (striped or harlequin, with a dark base color) .

Dachshund Behavior

sausage dogs

It is said that this breed is stubborn and does not allow itself to be educated. However, this depends on the care or overprotection that its owner gives him since he was a puppy. If the animal is very pampered and does everything it wants, that will be true.

The Dachshund is a more than intelligent dog. Learn fast, especially at an early age. When you know the rules of living in your home, you respect them. In addition, it is a very protective, affectionate and very playful dog.

They are furry with a lot of energy, they tend to bark a lot and are very sociable with people and other pets, possibly not with children, as they tend to pull their fur and annoy them.

The sausage or Teckel dog is not a hound dog (sniffer) with all the letters. But he has a perfect sense of smell and can recognize danger or an intruder from afar. Nor is it a terrier-type breed, but it can work clandestinely without any problems. It does not have the characteristics of a Braco, although it can do the same tasks as one of this race.

Dachshunds are ideal dogs for living in small homes in urban areas due to their size and temperament. It is a very homely breed and does not require much care, in addition to the fact that we have to pay attention to their diet, as they are prone to gain weight (which leads them to walk less and suffer from back pain and even hernias. disco).

If we train him correctly, we will prevent him from suffering from back problems and being overweight. Although it is an animal with a lot of energy and agile, it does not reach high speeds due to its short legs. Also, it’s a good idea to “force” them to exercise and take them to places where they can run and jump freely.

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