Should I Put A Fan For The Dog If It’s Hot?

Should I put a fan for the dog if it's hot?

There are many questions about whether we should put a fan for the dog when high temperatures loom.  Want to know the answer? It’s true that the air directed at them tends to be uncomfortable, but they pass heat, just like us.

Although their fur serves as a shield during high temperatures as well as low temperatures, that doesn’t mean they don’t suffer from them. What’s more, as their skin doesn’t sweat, chances are they’ll suffer from  heatstroke as  well as dehydration.

So,  if your four-legged friend doesn’t mind the direct air that the fan provides, there’s no problem in putting a fan for the dog. What’s more, he’s likely to thank you enormously for that.

Should I put a fan for the dog on hot days?

There are many ways to prevent your dog from suffering beyond  the consequences of high temperatures. If you help him, you will prevent him from suffering heatstroke.

The first thing you should do is to prevent him from being in situations that lead to heat stroke. For example:

Dog with its tongue hanging out, walking on a leash

  • Do not leave it in the car. There are not a few people who go shopping at the supermarket and, if they take the dog, they leave it in the car, with the windows closed or slightly open. We’ll tell you something, closed or open, the effect is the same: greenhouse effect. Yes, the car will overheat and your dog could even die if you keep it there too long. It is best to leave your furry at home.
  • Don’t take it for walks at times when temperatures are too high.  This is another flaw. It’s true that your dog should go out three times a day, but the time routines have to be different in summer and winter. In summer, you can’t take it at a hot time, as the animal could be damaged.
  • Don’t leave him tied up in the sun.  There are those who leave the dog at the supermarket door in full sun, or those who want their dog to stay only in the backyard or on a balcony where there is no shade. In recent years there have been cases of furry ones who, trying to escape from such a situation, have thrown themselves off the balcony.

In addition to putting a fan for the dog, you should follow these advices.

  • Avoid being overweight.  If your pet is overweight, it is more likely to get heat stroke, and may even die from it. Put your pet on a  diet  to prevent this from happening.
  • Take your race into account.  There are dogs of specific breeds that are more at risk during high temperatures. Also older dogs and puppies are more delicate about this.
  • Yes to air conditioning. Air conditioning is also good for dogs, and if you have one in your house, don’t think twice about using it. All these myths that  dogs  get colds or that they can get sick from the air are not true.
  • Yes to the fan.  It will all depend on how your dog reacts to it. Some are scared, others hate it because of the direct air, and some enjoy it. Nobody knows your pet better than you. So if you’re thinking of putting a fan on your dog, ask yourself if that’s a good idea, and you’ll know the answer because of his personality.

What to do when faced with heat stroke

If you notice that your dog is suffering from heat stroke, follow these advices:

dog drinking water

  • Ice. If you have it handy or there is a place where you can buy it, don’t think twice, put the ice on your head, neck and belly. These are the three places in the body that suffer most from high temperatures.
  • Water. If there is no ice, but there is water, pour it over his head and give him some to drink as well. Don’t force him, let him drink whatever he accepts.
  • When he gets home, a cold shower  will help him, even though he has already recovered from heatstroke.

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