Stomach Twisting In Dogs: Understand The Problem

Stomach Twisting in Dogs: Understand the Problem

Gastric dilation syndrome or twisting of the stomach in dogs is an acute illness that occurs in some domestic animals, such as dogs. If not treated urgently, it can kill your pet. That’s why it’s very important that you know the problem. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know.

Gastric torsion in dogs: what is it and what are its causes?

The mortality rate in cases of stomach twist is very high: animals that do not receive treatment die in 100% of cases. Those who are urgently taken to the veterinarian have a 65% chance of survival.

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Author: Christine und David Schmitt

Although the exact cause of this deadly problem is not known,  the most accepted hypothesis by doctors is the accumulation of gas in the stomach. As a result, the dilation (inflammation) is such that the ligaments cannot support it. The weight of the stomach causes the intestine to spin. This causes a breakdown in the blood supply and strangulation of the arteries and veins that run through the stomach.

Blood cannot reach the other vital organs and oxygenation is compromised. Finally, the animal has cardiac arrhythmia and a fatal shock.

This very “graphic” explanation helps us understand what a twisted stomach is and why it shouldn’t be overlooked. Among the main causes of stomach dilation are:

1. Excessive food intake

If your dog eats voraciously or drinks fluids too quickly, he is more likely to suffer from this problem. Gastric torsion also appears in dogs that eat more than their own food (for example, if they ingest food from other animals) or devour food after exercising.

two . Illnesses

Elderly dogs are vulnerable to gastric torsion if, because of an illness, they cannot properly eliminate gas. Be alert if anyone in the animal’s family has suffered from the problem.

3. Stress

Changes in routine, travel, separation from the owner, being alone or the death of a family member. All of this can cause the furry to overeat and be more likely to develop a twisted stomach.

4. Races

Although gastric torsion can affect any dog, some breeds are more vulnerable than others. Pay attention to whether your pet has a sunken chest and distended stomach, or if it’s the big or squishy type. Basically, check if you are one of the following breeds: Doberman, Chow Chow, German Shepherd, Greyhound, Dalmatian, St. Bernard, Weimaraner and Boxer.

The symptoms that help detect this disease (and that serve as a warning to take the furry to the vet immediately) are:

  • Nervousness:  the dog is restless and looks at its belly constantly.
  • Inflammation of the abdomen:  if you gently tap your hand, the belly sounds like a drum.
  • Vomiting:  Although it tries to vomit, the only thing the animal expels is foamy saliva.
  • Belching, profuse salivation and abdominal spasms
  • difficulty breathing
  • Weakness and depression

Diagnosis and Treatment of Stomach Torsion in Dogs

After we identify that the animal has symptoms of gastric dilation, we must take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Make sure it doesn’t move too much and is comfortable during transport. The provider will take an x-ray to clearly examine the stomach and see if the orifice that connects it to the intestine has been sprained.

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He will then administer antibiotics and fluids intravenously to soothe the hairy. It will then extract the stomach contents through a tube and proceed with a gastric lavage. Finally, surgery will fix the stomach to the chest wall, preventing further twisting. The first 48 hours are crucial for the animal’s survival.

How to prevent twisting?

To prevent your pet from suffering stomach distension, we recommend that:

  • Offer food in smaller fractions
  • Avoid drinking too much water after eating
  • Restrict exercise practice
  • don’t let him eat at night
  • Avoid stressful situations for the animal

Main image source: Beatrice Murch

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