Study Shows That Dogs Love Their Owners As If They Were Members Of Their Family

Study shows that dogs love their owners as if they were members of their family

Surely you have realized, on many occasions, that you are the most important person there is to your dog. If that happened, you can know it’s correct. A recent scientific study claims that dogs recognize kindness and trust and even experience emotions such as love and attachment in the same way as humans do. 

And that’s not all. Dogs have also been shown to love us as members of their own family.

Do dogs have feelings like people?

Os sentimentos dos cachorros

Unlike other research, this time the researchers were able to use an MRI scan to determine the dog’s brain activity.

But… how did scientists get the animals to be quiet in these huge devices?

Prior to the experience, they were trained through a rigorous method based on positive learning techniques.

The animals were definitely treated like small children and their owners, naturally, had to sign a consent form so that they could participate in this study.

The analysis allowed researchers to map brain activity in the area of ​​the brain where emotions are concentrated.

They noticed that functioning increased when there were signs related to food, the smells of other dogs and people nearby, or the return of a known human.

A later experiment showed that activity increased even when the dogs heard the voice of someone they were familiar with.

Scientists have largely determined that dogs experience emotions that are similar to those experienced by humans, which, by the way, for those who love dogs, it’s no surprise, as their friends have always shown this love for them. .

What do dogs feel for humans?

Os cães sentem amor?

Dogs are loving, loyal companions who reward kindness and consistency with godly service.

This gives them a special place in our lives and the right not to be abandoned, enslaved, demonized and not treated like fashion accessories. They must be respected and receive the care they need.

Dogs, moreover, are very sensitive animals. They know when the owner is sad or in low spirits. He will surely follow the same behavior, lose interest in his toys and even refuse food.

Normally, your pet will silently watch you in a corner of the house. After a while, you might be able to move closer to your feet or rest your head in your lap.

Many dogs can still lick their owners’ tears. At that moment, the owner will be, for the dog, the center of the world and all his sadness will have the same effect on the animal.

In fact, some studies have shown that a dog is more likely to approach someone right now than when the person is whispering or talking.

Furthermore, it has been found that dogs respond in these situations with a submissive behavior. Scientists have said that dogs can identify sadness as an emotion that is different from other feelings.

Research has also shown that dogs can very well detect the intentions that humans have.

Before you turn on the shower or get your towel, your dog already knows that you intend to take him to the bath. The same happens with haircuts, nails or when you should apply a medicine.

And no less. The studies carried out ensure that domestic dogs are as intelligent as a two-year-old human being.

This means that they are able to understand the meaning of approximately 165 words and that their body language makes sense to them.

Plus, dogs use eye contact and eyes to see what people are thinking.

Dogs can also notice certain illnesses that their owners may be suffering from.

Several studies have confirmed that they have the ability to detect cancer through their acute sense of smell, and they can even be trained to warn people with epilepsy when they are close to experiencing a new episode of seizure.

A dog’s ability to perceive illness is related to its ability to detect chemicals known as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). 

VOCs allow us to imagine odors, and while some are toxic, the term applies generically to any chemical that can enter the nose.

Depending on the breed, a dog’s sense of smell can be anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 times stronger than that of a human.

This means that a dog can perceive a scent that is up to 100,000 times weaker than a scent that can be detected by humans.

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