The Amazing Story Of Arthur, The Athlete Dog And His Team

The surprising story of Arthur, the athlete dog and his team

This is a story that will once again demonstrate that dogs are animals that are much more grateful than people. One small gesture was enough to create a lifelong bond between a dog and a team of adventurers. This is the story of Arthur, the athlete dog.

Arthur, the athlete dog and the Huairasinchi Explorer Adventure

running dog

It all started in Ecuador, in Aventura Huairasinchi Explorer. This is a competition of approximately 700 kilometers that is covered by performing different unusual sports such as kayaking, extreme cycling, among others. These are courses that aim to present the country’s natural landscapes and motivate young people to dedicate their free time to healthy sports, but which also help them to excel as people.

In one of these races was where Arthur, the athlete dog, appeared. While one of the teams was taking a break to eat something, Arthur arrived, the athlete dog, which he didn’t even know himself to be, and approached them.

Arthur was a stray dog and they noticed that he had no collar on his coat and that he craved the food the athlete team had.

The team did not have much food, as they had to carry a light load that would allow them to take the extreme route. However, one of the team members decided to share a meatball with Arthur. A meatball! It’s not even much, but Arthur thanked him like a steak. Then this moving story began.

From Arthur, the stray dog ​​to Arthur, the athlete dog

From the moment of the meatball”, Arthur no longer separated from the team, becoming one more member and Arthur, the athlete dog. Now there were no longer 4 on the team, but 5.

The crossing was difficult and the organizers asked the team to keep the dog away, as the animal could have problems due to the effort or even die. But that was an order impossible to carry out. Arthur, the athlete dog, already existed and was unwilling to abandon his team no matter how difficult it might be.

It was not easy, and on occasions Arthur made the competition even more difficult, as there were parts of the crossing that were very complicated and he had to get help from his teammates. As if that wasn’t enough, they did it with pleasure and always helped him with whatever was necessary.

On one occasion, he would have to make a kayak crossing. Everyone thought that Arthur, the athlete dog, would stay on the edge and go back to where he came from. But that wasn’t in Arthur’s thoughts. Demonstrating that he turned into an athlete dog and, without thinking twice, threw himself into the water.

The entire team was afraid that he would not be able to resist the effort and would drown, so they quickly put him in the kayak. The spectators’ reaction was one of anticipation. They felt amazed and glad to see the gesture performed by the team. Arthur, the athlete dog was one more member of the officially recognized team.

After the adventure…

The bond that formed between Arthur, the athlete dog and the Swedish team that was making the crossing, could not end there. Love cannot just break because circumstances change. So a team member decided to adopt him.

They asked permission to take Arthur, the athlete dog, to Sweden. While doing the procedures, they received through Facebook many offers to take care of Arthur if they couldn’t take him. And who doesn’t want a dog like this?

Finally, with the help of a sponsor and anonymous donations to pay for Arthur’s ticket, they were able to take him to Sweden.

Before the trip, Arthur was given the necessary care for him to recover from the hard crossing and upon arriving in Sweden, he received veterinary attention and hygiene care.

Arthur, the athlete dog, found a family thanks to his good feelings. Without even asking, he found her for being grateful and loyal. One more teaching for people: good feelings always have good consequences.

We leave a video for you to meet Arthur, the athlete dog and his adventure team.

Image credits: Ana Fontes.

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