The Strongest Animals In The World

The strongest animals in the world

Would you like to know what are the strongest animals in the world? They may not be big, but they do have the ability to lift objects with their weight or even heavier ones. Be sure to read the following article to get to know them.

What are the strongest animals?

They are able to move very heavy objects from one place to another, or to travel long distances carrying their food, even though they weigh several pounds. Below, we talk about which are the strongest animals in the world:

1. Anaconda

It’s not just on the list of biggest animals on the planet: it is also one of the strongest. It can weigh up to 250 kilos and measure ten meters. Because it feeds on birds, deer, rodents, wild pigs, turtles and even jaguars, it  has the ability to kill its prey by squeezing them until they are suffocated.

Every time the animal tries to breathe, the anaconda tightens more. And that’s not all: it has a stomach designed to digest an entire prey in a matter of days. After that, she is able to go months without even a snack.

2. Eagle


Number two on the list of strongest animals is characterized by its large build, the width of its wings and the size of its beak. The latter, moreover, is curved so that it can pluck the flesh from its prey together with its claws, which are capable of killing a deer or a monkey. They are able to spot their next victim from three kilometers away due to their potent vision. In addition, they have the strength to carry animals weighing up to six kilos in mid-flight.

3. Ox

It is a very strong animal, which is why it has been used by humans for centuries. They are capable of plowing fields, dragging machines or carts, crushing grain, etc. The ox, moreover, is very resistant, and can spend hours working. Although not fast, it is capable of pushing a heavy load (up to twice its weight) in a stable manner. Furthermore, they are very long-lived.

4. grizzly bear

It is native to North America and one of the largest species of bear. When standing, it can measure over two meters and weigh over 350 kilos. Its claws are able to easily capture prey: moose, deer, sheep, fish, birds and even black bears. The grizzly bear’s strength is known when it has to face another animal in the dispute over prey or territorial issues. He can fight with great aggression.

5. Gorilla

It is the largest primate and, in addition, one of the strongest animals in the world. After chimpanzees, and pygmy chimpanzees, they are third-degree relatives of human beings.  When in the wild, they weigh up to 800 kg and measure almost two meters. You gorillas they are six times stronger than a human being and have powerful arms: they can lift objects with almost their own weight.

6. Rhinoceros beetles

Thinking of a strong animal does not mean that it has the physical makeup of a gorilla or a bear. There are some small ones that, compared to their size, lift very high weights. One of them is the Hercules beetle or rhino, which is capable of carrying up to 850 times its weight. It would be like a person lifting nine elephants. Males have a curved horn, do not sting or bite, and to protect themselves they use camouflage.

7. Leaf-cutting ants

Another of the little giants lives mainly in the America , and her cave can be up to a hundred feet deep, shared with millions like her. It is an extremely strong animal,  capable of lifting and transporting objects up to fifty times its weight.


8. Rhino

Currently, there are five species (they live wild in Asia and Africa) and their name comes from the Greek “rhino” (nose) and “Kera” (horn). It is large, herbivorous, has a tough, thick skin and a small brain.

The rhinoceros does not see well, but it has a good sense of smell and hearing. Lonely, he is able to face anyone who invades his territory. In fights, they don’t climb on top of each other, because all their strength and weight would be enough to crush the skull and break the opponent’s neck.

Main image source: An-d

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