Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Your Dog

Things You Probably Didn't Know About Your Dog

The dog is man’s best friend.  We’ve heard this over and over, but how many times do we hear someone say that man is a dog’s best friend? And that’s probably because they know us better than we know them. 

The greatest and most important qualities of this pet are the loyalty and friendship they feel for their owners. They know our steps, times, movements, but  we barely know theirs.  That’s why today we propose you to get to know your puppy better through this article.

Things you didn’t know about your dog, friendship

Do you know how long there has been friendship between men and dogs? Many scientists assert that  this close relationship has been developing for 15,000 years.

A clear example of this is that different cultures considered these animals as sacred. When we look at the Egyptian papyrus or hieroglyphics  , we see that many of their gods were depicted with the head of a dog.

Currently, they are considered another member of the family, whom we must attend, care for and care for, and they always reciprocate us with their love and fidelity. It has been shown that  families who have pets at home are happier  and that pets are also very helpful in situations of  illness.

What is the range of your sense of smell?

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The olfactory ability of dogs is well known for being able to detect if we suffer from any disease, such  as cancer, diabetes and even epilepsy, as they can even smell a sick cell.

Studies revealed that  a dog detected an epileptic fit minutes before it started.

All of this is due to the fact that dogs ‘ noses  have at least 220 million smell receptors,  compared to men’s, which have 5 million. Despite this, unfortunately, our dogs can also develop these diseases and we can even infect them with some. 

Jealousy and the feeling of guilt

It is known  that dogs are jealous,  thanks to a study where it was proven that when one dog received prizes or toys and the other did not, he would get nervous and start  scratching, in addition to ignoring the other dog.

This also happens when the owner pays more attention to something else  or another pet; they feel jealous, even though they don’t show aggression.

And incredibly , the dog doesn’t feel guilty,  when we scold something and he looks at us with that sad face and those sad eyes, it’s not because he’s feeling guilty, it’s simply a response to our reaction. Therefore, we confirm that the guilt a dog feels when he is scolded is a myth.

More things you didn’t know about dogs


A scientific study has shown that we are not that different from dogs, as it has been proven that humans share 75% of the genetic code in relation to these animals.

The smallest breed size is the Chihuahua  and the larger is the Great Dane; the dog Chow Chow is the only one with a blue tongue and the fastest is the Galgo, which can reach a speed of 71 km/h running;  The Tibetan Terrier can live to be 20 years old;  And finally the Border Collie is the smartest breed.

We all know that  males raise their hind legs to pee,  and try to do it as high as possible so that other dogs believe that whoever peed in this place is a bigger animal than they are.

Dogs have 42 teeth  and, like humans, they lose and renew them, but no one sees them because they fall out while the dog is eating and are usually swallowed along with the food, even if later expelled.

Did you know that females can give birth to up to 19 offspring at once ? Well, there is even the case of a dog who gave birth to 23 puppies.

The Doberman race was created by Louis Doberman, to defend himself from people, as he was a tax collector and was frequently attacked by debtors.

Dogs have a unique olfactory ability, but they also have a great hearing ability,  as they are able to hear sounds from a distance of up to 230 meters.

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