Tips For Planning A Vacation With Your Dog

The destination, transport box, documentation, toys, feed and water are some of the factors that must be taken into account when taking a trip with a dog. All of this will affect the pet’s well-being.
Tips for planning a vacation with your dog

When the holidays come, pet owners always have in mind what to do with their pets. In the case of dogs, it is possible to plan a vacation with your dog. Just follow a line of recommendations to make this experience as pleasant as possible for the whole family.

The most important thing when traveling with animals is to predict what will happen. It’s not about being able to predict the future, it’s  about being clear about what the routine will be like during the trip.  This will allow you to adapt your dog’s everyday life to fun days. Also, planning a vacation with your dog reduces the risks associated with health or logistical accidents.

Another element to consider is the age and condition of the traveling dog. A puppy’s behavior and needs are different from those of an adult or elderly dog. Therefore, it is important to  learn about the destination and its offer  when planning a vacation with your dog.

Dog in sunglasses on a surfboard

Tips for planning a vacation with your dog

  1. Choose a place for animals. When it is decided to travel with the dog, it is important to visit  destinations  where they are accepted. In many hotels or hostels they limit the entry of animals. It is also worth checking if it will be a suitable destination for the animal.
  2. Up-to-date vaccines. Making sure he has his vaccinations up to date is an essential requirement when planning a vacation with your dog. In this way,  the spread of illnesses during the journey can be avoided. A prior veterinary checkup is also important.
  3. Means of transport. Choosing whether to  travel by plane  or by land helps to predict what will be needed. The best thing is that, both in the car and on the plane, the dog travels inside its transport box. This will make him feel more secure and also he will be protected in case of any accident.
  4. Animal documentation. Before traveling, it is important to make sure your dog needs special permission to travel. For example, the European Union requires a travel passport for all animals. This documentation can be obtained from veterinary clinics. 
  5. Family fun. It is advisable to contemplate all the activities in which the dog can be included: outdoor walks, interaction with other animals, contact with other adults. This will allow the owner to anticipate the dog’s reaction and behavior in new experiences.
  6. The arrival. Once you have arrived at your destination, it is important to take time to share it with the dog. He should go out, exercise and take care of his needs as he is used to. At the arrival point, it is advised that the owner enters first. This way, the dog will smell its owner when entering.
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Essential on a dog trip

  1. Transport box. Some owners feel guilty about locking up their pets while  traveling on  vacation. The truth is, transport crates are the safest place for animals to travel. On the one hand it provides protection and on the other hand it is a space they recognize. 
  2. Before starting the trip, it  is recommended that the dog interacts with the carrier if it is not used to using it. One way to keep calm is to exercise him before putting him in so he can rest during his time in it.
  3. Identification. You cannot forget   the dog’s identification, before and during the trip. At all times, the animal must wear its collar with its owners’ contact information. Other more current and innovative options are to use  microchips  or tattoos with an identification number. 
  4. Feed and water. A sufficient amount of feed and water must be brought to the animal. It is advisable that he be fed before starting the journey. However, there shouldn’t be too much food to avoid dizziness and stomach upset. Also, drinking too much fluid will cause the animal to urinate in the cage. 
  5. Favorite toy. One way to make your pet feel comfortable and safe is to give him his favorite toy. Although many items are not recommended inside the shipping box, a toy will help your pet cope better with  stress. The toy must accompany him to the destination, which will contribute to the adaptation process at the location.

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