Top 9 Destinations To Travel With Your Dog

9 best destinations to travel with your dog

Traveling with your dog around the world is no longer a utopia. The number of pet-friendly destinations that allow you to relax and have fun, as well as enjoy the holidays in the company of your dog, is growing. We will tell you what are some of the best places for you to travel with your pet.

You can already travel much of the world with a pet

Several cities in Europe and the United States are classified among the places where it is easier to get around with a dog, or with more than one. Spain, although still a little late in the matter, is making a lot of progress in this regard.

Access to public places and to transport in general, the large offer of hotels and restaurants that allow the entry of pets and various spaces for animals are becoming more and more common.

So if you want and can take a walk around the planet with your four-legged friend, make a note of the destinations where they will be welcome.

Discover the friendliest destinations to travel with your dog

Here we will leave you a list of countries that you will be able to enjoy without inconvenience in the company of your furry one.

1- Germany

The Germans seem to be the ones who have done the most to make things easier for people who have pets, be it locals or visitors. But three cities in particular have the upper hand: Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg.

2- Switzerland

This country is also among the friendliest with dogs, as they are welcome in most public places. In the city of Geneva, for example, in addition to taking a beautiful walk through the historic centre, there are also a large number of parks.

3- Paris

The French capital offers a wide range of hotels and gastronomy. Not only are pets allowed, but special services are also offered for them.

4- Amsterdam

In this city in the Netherlands, public transport accepts furry as passengers and also allows them to enter some museums and cultural centers.

5- London

In addition to the large number of dog-friendly hotels and restaurants, the capital of the United Kingdom offers a large number of green spaces that will please your four-legged friend.

6- Brussels

In the Belgian capital, pets are allowed in shops, bars and even pubs, so if you like to go out at night for a drink with your dog, this is great news.

7- Maccaresis

This small town located north of Rome has the title of being the only dog-only beach in Italy.

8- Portland

This city, which is part of the state of Maine (United States), is always featured in all guides written for travelers with dogs. Among other pet-only services, there are 33 dog parks.

9- San Francisco

The North American west coast city has 5 beaches that allow entry by furry. In addition, there are a lot of green spaces in the city for your pets to enjoy.

Check the requirements and regulations of each place before embarking on a trip with your furry

Have you already decided the destination where you will travel with your dog? Great. But before embarking on the trip, whether inside or outside the country, check carefully all the details and requirements of each place and the different means of transport. This way you will avoid unpleasant surprises when traveling with your furry one.

Don’t forget to:

  • Have your dog’s health documentation up to date (microchip, vaccines, etc.).
  • Comply with all directions for traveling with animals by car, train, bus, plane or ship.
  • Know the different accommodation options that allow pets.

If everything is in order, there’s nothing left for you to do but get ready to enjoy a trip with your furry to the different destinations that are friendlier with pets. Get ready to travel with your dog across the planet.

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