Toxocariasis That Inhabits The Intestines Of Dogs

Contagion of toxocariasis in one eye can lead to retinal detachment; therefore, it is essential to wash your hands, especially for children.
Toxocariasis that inhabits the intestine of dogs

There are many ‘hidden’ diseases in our pets that can infect us without our realizing it. In this article, we are going to talk about toxocariasis, which inhabits the intestines of dogs and is a danger to children.

Beware of intestinal diseases in dogs

Did you know that, in many countries and cities, pets are prohibited from entering parks and other public spaces, especially where there are children? This is because many diseases can be transmitted through the feces and urine of these animals, in addition to the issue of cleaning the place.

Regarding intestinal diseases in dogs that can be dangerous to humans, we have to talk about  toxocariasis, caused by a worm called  Toxocara canis .

This nematode can measure, as an adult, between 8 and 15 centimeters, and inhabit the small intestine of the dog without causing any type of symptoms or physical alteration. Its eggs ‘travel’ through the intestine and are passed through the faeces.

Parasite contagion in the intestine of dogs

When a dog is infected with this parasite, it can release between 20 and 200,000 eggs of toxocara in its feces. So, if he defecates in the litter box or play area of ​​the playground and a child accidentally touches this waste and then puts his hand to his mouth or nose, he can become infected with toxocariasis right away.

Another form of contagion, both in children and adults, is the consumption of vegetables grown directly in the soil that have been infected by the larvae. If not washed well before being ingested, toxocara will enter the body and pass to the stomach.

boy playing dog tongue

Symptoms and consequences of toxocariasis

Toxocariasis  can resolve without symptoms or become chronic.  When detected, the most common treatment is the application of antiparasitic agents such as albendazole, mebendazole and diethylcarbamazine.

It is believed that if a test were performed on children under 10 years of age, one third of the results would show that the disease had been spread. In most cases it does not have serious consequences, but in a small percentage the condition can worsen and become irreversible.

The main problem with this disease is that it can become systemic and cause lesions known as granulomas. If a granuloma develops in the brain, severe neurological damage occurs.

When this worm larva enters the bloodstream, it also attacks other vital organs such as the heart, liver and lungs. In addition, toxocara’s main damage occurs in the retina, where it reaches cells and arterial endings; this can cause detachments. In more than half of cases, the child loses the affected eye.

child with eye injury

How to prevent the diseases that infest the intestines of dogs?

Knowing the consequences are so serious, it’s normal to be worried or alarmed if we have children. But instead, the best thing to do is to seek information about the most effective prevention measures.

First, we must  prevent children from coming into contact with the feces of our pets or any other animal. It is also advisable to clean the excrement daily and not let the little ones touch the earth with their hands without washing them thoroughly afterwards.

Finally, sticking to our pets’ vaccination schedule will minimize the possibility of illness. In addition, it is necessary to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables that grow directly on the ground.

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