True Or False? Discover The Myths About Dogs

True or false?  Discover the myths about dogs

Sometimes we get carried away by what others say about many things. It’s the same with dogs. We believe in certain ideas without verifying their veracity and, possibly, they are not real. Today, we will make a true or false one with the most common myths, so that your beliefs about it are correct.

True or false? Myths about dogs

A dry nose means your dog is sick

nose dog


Although people have always said that dry nose was a sign of illness, this is not completely true. We often went to touch our dog’s nose when we saw that he had no appetite or that he was decayed.

The belief that if the dog is dry, it has a fever is one of the most common myths about dogs. If you think your dog might be sick, it’s best to go to the vet.

Your licks heal wounds


It is true that the saliva of dogs has a compound that promotes healing. But we shouldn’t think that one of our wounds has healed just because our dog licked it.

In the case of the dogs’ own wounds, sometimes licking them gets worse. Many dogs lick themselves so much that they keep the wound completely moist and make it difficult to heal.

True or False: They Eat Grass Because They’re Sick


Dogs that eat grass are not necessarily sick. While it’s true that it serves as a laxative and they know it, they don’t always use it as such. There are some dogs that just like the taste of them.

Bitches must have puppies before sterilization


There is a myth that bitches must have puppies at least once before neutering to preserve their good health. This myth is supported by the fact that women cannot be ligated until they have had a child.

We must remember that dogs and humans are different. In this case, it is not necessary for the dog to be a mother. What is certain is that sterilizing them prevents major problems.

Purebred dogs are healthier


Although it will depend a lot on the animal in question, as a general rule, purebred dogs tend to be healthier, have more years of life and less health problems than a non-breed.

Although it is also true that there are certain breeds more likely to suffer from certain genetic diseases.

Dogs see in black and white


This is one of those deepest myths. Dogs can see in colors and can differentiate between those that are different from each other, such as blue and yellow, but they cannot distinguish between similar ones, such as red and pink, for example.

Garlic prevents fleas



In many of our articles we have already given you advice on how to eliminate and fight fleas. Garlic was never one of them for a simple reason: it doesn’t have that effect.

In fact, its aroma and intensity could even be harmful to your pet.

A dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s


This is a myth created by those who love their dogs inordinately and who need an excuse to be “kissed” by them.

However, this is a false belief, as a dog’s mouth can be full of many bacteria that can make us sick.

One year of human age corresponds to seven of a dog


What do you think? True or false? This is well known even to those who don’t love pets. Each dog lives a certain amount of years and we must accept that we are not the same, instead of wasting time making calculations that we don’t even know if they are concrete.

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