Violent Dogs: Instinct Or Training?

It cannot be said definitively that a breed of dog is aggressive, since all animals have an aggressive component, more or less developed.
Violent dogs: instinct or training?

The truth is that, among the different species, some instincts may be more latent in some than in others, hence the trends, although training can alleviate much of the animal’s genetic predisposition.

Rottweiler, pitbull and other dogs are on the blacklist of so-called “potentially dangerous dogs”. They say they carry it in their DNA, but what’s real about it? Let’s look at this issue with violent dogs: instinct or training?

There are many who believe that the aggressiveness of this type of dog comes from the genes. However, several studies have already been done showing that this is not always the main factor. Aggression seems to be something that is not intrinsic to dogs, but rather a learned behavior. There are several factors that influence this.

Violent dogs: instinct or training? Influencing factors

It is true that for several years there have been races such as pitbulls and rottweilers, among others, which were used for fights. This gave rise to bad reputation and led some people to buy puppies of these breeds with that same purpose in mind. What many adopters don’t understand is that they are animals that require special training.

Let’s explain the factors that influence canine aggression:


Whether or not DNA influences races known as “potentially dangerous” has always been a matter of debate. The truth is that the constant breeding, generation after generation, of dogs with violent personality have altered or distorted these breeds and have made pitbulls and rottweilers present a tendency to aggressiveness nowadays.

pit bull with neck chain

In this sense, good socialization from a puppy, as well as adequate training, if possible, under the instructions and supervision of a professional, can alleviate much of this behavior. Thanks to the above, we can make the animal an excellent and gentle companion dog, although it is always necessary to take precautions for eventualities.

an  inappropriate imprinting

Imprinting  is the developmental stage of puppies in their family environment so that they become a balanced animal in all their actions. When it is done incorrectly and is separated from the mother before the indicated time, puppies can present mental and behavioral problems.

Childhood, as with people, is also the most important time for puppies. That’s because it’s the time they acquire and learn habits that will last a lifetime.

the example of parents

If the mother of the puppies or other older dogs that live with him have been used in fights and exhibit this behavior to the younger ones, it causes them to absorb it naturally.

Puppies, like humans, are like sponges capable of absorbing and mimicking any attitude. If this behavior is not stopped in time, it will last a lifetime. However, if since a puppy he is properly trained, it will be possible to get rid of this tendency that was previously ingrained in him.

pitbull puppies

an inadequate training

Another factor that influences the aggressiveness of these breeds is that many who adopt them do not understand that these dogs require special training. The fact that they have witnessed the aggressiveness around them, and because they themselves as they grow up consider themselves powerful because of their build and the power of their teeth, makes them need to know who is the leader of the pack.

This means that you have to teach them to listen and obey your voice, and they have to understand that you are the boss and that they are below you in the hierarchy. If you start doing this since they are puppies, you shouldn’t, a priori , have problems. Although, it’s always good to take precautions, as we’ve already said. Even if you believe you know how to do it, we still recommend that you look for a professional.


Mistreatment makes dogs aggressive. It is possible that you have adopted an older dog that already had this problem, but it can also happen in the case of puppies. Why? These breeds tend to cost a good deal of money, which is why almost always the only way to buy a dog with these characteristics is through a breeder.

The dogs purchased come from breeders who transport them in unsanitary conditions: small cages they cannot move, or in large cages where they cram many puppies together. They are also often not cleaned after they have had their necessities, and they do not give them anything to drink or eat during the journey, which can go on for thousands of miles.

In fact, of those dogs that are transported to petshops, only half of them survive, and sometimes less. All this disorder can influence the dog’s personality, and of course its aggressive tendencies.

So let’s try to solve this question: aggressive dogs: instinct or training? There is no clear answer, as there are several factors that influence this. Does instinct influence? Yes. Does training influence? Yes, more than instinct, but that does not mean that we should not take precautions, as we are responsible for the physical damage that our dog can cause to other people or pets. 

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