Want Extra Money? Go For A Walk With Dogs

If you love animals, have the time and disposition, you can dedicate yourself to this work, which will undoubtedly make you happy and give you extra income.
Want extra money?  go walk with dogs

Life increasingly leaves us stressed and with less time to deal with things other than work and household chores. Our pets are a priority in our lives, but sometimes we may lack time to participate as we wish. That’s why  a new way of working has become fashionable: walking dogs. Would you like to try? Well, let’s tell you how to do this.

Can you earn money to walk dogs?

Yes you can. In fact, let’s talk about a real story:  César Millán. Yes, the same as you are thinking. The one who is known as “the dog charmer”. When he emigrated to the United States, he  spent two months living on the street. Finally, he decided to start walking dogs. Soon after, he started working as a canine hairdresser.

This job allowed him to rent an apartment in a short time. After all, the “word of mouth” made many customers look for it. The rest of the story we already know. Obviously, this is  not to say that everyone who walks the dogs will become famous.  However, it’s a job you can live with or at least earn extra income.

If you don’t have a job or have a lot of expenses and need a little more money, walking dogs can be an excellent option. Especially, to get out of the grip at the end of the month. So, want to know how to get started?

Dog walker

What do you need to walk dogs?

love for animals

This is paramount. You must love animals, treat them with care and give them the necessary care. Otherwise, it will not only be noticed by the dogs, but also by the owners. Think that dogs have different reactions depending on how we treat them. Owners will see if their pets are happy when they see you or if they are afraid. If you don’t like animals, it’s best not to get involved in this work.

Knowing how to act in the event of an accident

An animal is a responsibility and, from one moment to another, many things can happen. It can happen that the animal gets sick while you walk with it. Get in an accident with a car or another dog. It is essential that you know how to react to situations like this to save your pet’s life.


There is no better job than one done with passion. Enjoy every trip with the pets and put passion in this activity. This will allow you to enjoy what you do and the dogs will have a much more enjoyable time.

Social networks

This will be the first step to fame as a dog walkerNetworks are the best way to transmit  any information. Offer your services on your profile, on your friends’ profiles and in groups for buying and selling animals. Also, offer your services to job groups in the area where you live. Certainly, on the same day, someone will contact you.

Learn more about pricing

Depending on the area, prices charged may vary. So, to avoid charging too much or too little, you can  search for prices from other professionals dedicated to the same service or similar things.

walk with several dogs

offer other services

After walking your dogs,  you will find that many people may need other services.  For example, taking the dog to the vet, taking care of the animal for a few hours. Even hosting pets while the owners are on vacation.

When you get clients, let them know that you are also willing to do other types of services if they want.

Be honest

If you are honest and do your job on time, at the set price, and also put passion and determination into it, success is guaranteed. If you treat animals with love, as in the case of César Millán,  “word of mouth” will be the best advertisement. Thus, each time you will have more customers.

All starts are difficult, but with perseverance and commitment, you can have results even sooner than you think. Courage and go straight ahead.

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