What Funeral Options Are There For Animals That Have Died?

The burial of dead pets is possible through private companies or veterinary clinics. Burying them in the garden can pose a hygiene problem that is punishable by law.
What funeral options are there for animals that have died?

When our pet dies, we experience one of the most bitter pains of our lives. At the same time, we find ourselves in the position of having to decide what to do with the body, while tears and anguish consume us. Ideally, before that happens, we know what options exist for animals that have died.

Animals that have died can have a ceremony

Although many people call us crazy, we who love animals and have lived with one for years, want to say goodbye in a dignified way so that we can keep a good memory of our friends. And what’s wrong? These are options for dead animals:

the cremation of animals

There are several private companies that are dedicated to pet cremation. Only by doing a thorough search on the internet can you find one, or by asking your trusted veterinarian.

The price agreed with the company includes the  transfer of the  dead animal to the funeral home; the wake, a subscription book, psychological care if you think you or a family member need it, the urn and delivery of the ashes. A dignified and memorable farewell at all stages.

Pet Cemeteries

There are several countries that have pet cemeteries where you can bury your pet. To do this you will have to hire the service, which includes the collection of the animal, coffin and burial with flowers.

pet Sematary

You can choose the coffin  and the place where you want it to be buried, as long as there is more than one available. It will be very similar to a person’s burial, in which you can also choose to place an epitaph; although this can be very expensive depending on the size, engraving and materials used.

take him to the vet

Veterinarians offer services to “eliminate” the dead animal carcass  through two options. The first is through collective cremation, in which the animal would be cremated with others and the ashes would not be delivered later, as these would end up in a common grave or in a landfill. Even so, there is a cost.

In the second case,  the veterinarian will take care of the procedures for the individual incineration and will give you the ashes, which will cost much more. We will never be sure that what they give us is our pet’s ashes, because we cannot be present at the incineration, unlike what happens in the private companies we mentioned earlier.

municipal services

Some European municipalities have a service for the collection and incineration of dead pets. This service is free because it’s paid for by taxes, but it’s not the dignified goodbye that most pet owners are looking for.

A vehicle goes to where the animal is, wraps its body and takes it to be cremated  with other pets. Or take the little animal to throw it in a mass grave, or even, as many speculate, to be used as food in zoos.

what you shouldn’t do

What you should never do is bury your pet in your garden or field. Another thing we know you won’t do is throw it in the trash.

pet Sematary

This is not recommended, as animals in the process of decomposition are the focus of disease and infection. Furthermore, it demonstrates a lack of sensitivity. Anyway, don’t you think that your pet, the one who has lived with you for years and has given you unconditional loyalty, deserves a dignified goodbye?

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