Why Does My Cat Run Wild Around The House?

Although there are theories about the behavior of felines (because of their wild instincts), it is possible that this behavior is due to some problem with the animal.
Why does my cat run wild around the house?

Seeing a cat running around the house is very common.  Many of them do this at night, at the time that bothers us most. Why does your cat run like crazy? What behavior is this? Is it possible to control it? Does he suffer from any disorder? We’ll show you some possible answers to these and other questions.

Why does my cat run like crazy around the house?

There are many theories about this particularly feline attitude. Let’s talk a little about them below:

ward off predators

Some people associate this behavior with the time when cats defecate  in their litter box. It is believed that when wild cats do their needs, they bury them as deeply as possible. Also, soon after, they run to escape. Thus, predators cannot track them by the odor of feces.

This theory makes a lot of sense. Of course, if you watch your cat, it’s very likely that these runs will take place right after they’ve had their necessities. Even if you are a domestic feline and are quiet at home,  there are instincts that are hard to let go of.

Digestive Problems

Another group of experts says that this attitude can be caused by  digestive problems or allergies.  These conditions can create discomfort that is alleviated by running. This is a very common and widespread belief. But some have dismissed it because many cats exhibit this behavior, which makes it hard to believe that everyone suffers from digestive problems.

Internal cleaning

Another hypothesis is that these runs are  part of an internal cleaning that the cats themselves perform. Considering how important hygiene is to felines, and that they take care of themselves, this is a popular assumption among experts.

Apparently, after defecating, they want to get away from the excrement as quickly as possible because they love cleaning. However, Anish Sheth, a doctor who specializes in feline behavior, claims that  there is a nerve that connects the brain and colon. Therefore, when this nerve is stimulated, it can cause cats to behave strangely.

cats night vision

What if my cat runs like crazy at night?

Some of these theories seem to have coherence, but  they become meaningless when we think that cats also run at night. After all, it is possible that the cat will eventually need to defecate at night, but this is not so common.

So, there are probably other causes associated with the phenomenon. At the very least, there are other plausible theories. We’ll talk about some of them:

Spend energy

Many people claim that cats  have large amounts of energy.  So when you don’t go out for a walk and don’t exercise a lot, running is a way to channel that energy. However, this behavior seems to be more common in small and young kittens.


If your cat has fleas, parasites, or itches in an area of ​​his body that he can’t reach, he’s very likely to run as an escape method. If your cat doesn’t have this behavior often and suddenly starts running, you need to be careful. First, make sure  the animal doesn’t have fleas or any skin problems  that make it uncomfortable.

Fleas and ticks

feline hyperesthesia

This syndrome is also known as  nervous cat syndrome. This is evident when your cat runs like crazy too often. This behavior is usually accompanied by biting and scratching the tail and other parts of the body.

This syndrome can become a compulsive behavior. It is believed to be associated with allergies, toxins or neurological disorders.

It might be funny to see our cat running like crazy. However,  think that behind this behavior may be a more serious problem. Taking care of your pet is your responsibility. So if you notice that your cat exhibits this behavior frequently, don’t hesitate to take him to the vet.

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