Your Dog Doesn’t See Your Faults, You’re Perfect For Him!

Your dog doesn't see your faults, you're perfect for him!

People are often very self-critical of themselves. Sometimes we come to believe that we are so little that we even get depressed without realizing it. However, our faithful friends, the dogs, have a totally different view than we have of ourselves. Your dog doesn’t see your faults!

To get you excited and appreciate more what your pet does, let’s explain the contrasts between your vision and your dog’s vision of you.

Your dog doesn’t see your faults because he loves you

Not much is known why. Maybe it’s because we can do many things, for better or worse. However, dogs can’t do so many things and that makes us, in their eyes, like a kind of superhero.


It doesn’t matter if the food you made is burned, if you had a bad day at work, if you are sad or upset. Your dog will always love you with the same intensity. And those are the contrasts of how he sees you and how you see your dog.

You see yourself as a very normal person, but your dog sees you as a superhero.

Often, you feel so little, the most normal, that you even feel that you don’t know how to do much or that you will never achieve anything. However, your dog remembers that time your little head got caught between the porch railings and you pulled it out. What’s more, he remembers when that big dog came running up to him to bite him and you scared him as you took your little friend in your arms.

You are a hero! What does it matter how others see you? You already have someone who not only loves you, but also admires you and gives you unconditional love above all else.

You see yourself incapable of being loved, he sees you as his soul mate

You came home sad, this girl or boy you loved so much has just left you. But before you have time to shed a tear as you sit on the couch at home, your dog arrives to lick you all over the place. It’s as if he said to you: “Be calm, I don’t see your faults, I will continue to love you more and more than I walk through the door”.

He gives you his love and makes you feel loved. No matter how much time you spend with him, you will never have this fear of being rejected. To him, you are the greatest, the only one he has.

You see yourself as a total disaster, while your dog sees its owner as a superman or wonder woman



Today is not a good day. You’ve lost your job, burned your food, crashed your car, and your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn’t answer your call. You want to get home and lie down in bed to sleep and cry. Although… you forgot that there is someone in the house who will not abandon you!

Because he doesn’t see your faults, for him you are independent and brilliant. You can do whatever you think it is possible to do. So it doesn’t matter, he wants you to pick him up, play with him, cook him something nice, even if it’s burned, and you spoil him.

As you can see, dogs not only do not see our faults, but they are always there with their joy to cheer us up. They try to make us smile because they love us. For them we are not the best they have, we are the only ones they have and they are willing to love and care for us. And they are also willing to do something that we should greatly value: to admire us.

Admiration is perhaps a most difficult virtue to achieve, but our dog is full of it for us. All the more reason for us to love them more strongly and to take care of them with more dedication, because, without a doubt, they are the best we have.

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